Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Anonymous Photo Released, Sparks Debate

In a surprising and curious development yesterday, the Bean Patch received an unmarked package marked on front with simply "Jellybean" and containing the attached picture. The photo appears to be of an unidentified woman's torso. Our own photo experts have carefully analyzed the photo and conclude it's impossible for the person pictured to be the Jellybean herself; still, they caution jumping to conclusions too quickly. It's clear the package was sent for a reason.

One celebrity sleuth, who has come under fire recently as somewhat of a conspiracy theorist, had a different assessment. "There's something fishy here. We haven't seen any photos of the Jellybean and suddenly we get this photo. I think there's more to this than we think. It's just a hunch, but I think the Jellybean's in that picture somewhere." His comments were quickly dismissed. "She's in the picture somewhere?" a senior photo analyst remarked. "Where? I think we should leave the picture analysis to the experts. There's one person in the photo and from an age standpoint, there's no way that's the Jellybean." If nothing else, the photo is sure to spark conversation from water coolers to professional media pundits.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Jellybean's Mother/Co-Agent: She's "Going to be Huge"

In some of the most candid comments to date, the Jellybean's mother/co-agent gave her own new optimistic evaluation of the young star and her fall debut. "Unlike other advisors to the Jellybean, I feel I truly carry the weight of this young star's budding career," she told her interviewer. "I know her talent coaches have said she's progressing as she should be - and I don't pretend to be as knowledgeable about these things as I know they are - but, in my opinion, I have a feeling the Jellybean's going to be huge."

Other industry observers were more guarded in their evaluation. "Obviously, I haven't met or advised the Jellybean," one observer remarked, "but I think it's natural for a mother to think her daughter's career is going to be big. After all, as enthusiasm concerning the Jellybean's debut grows, her mother (and in this case her co-agent) will certainly feel building pressure. She is under the spotlight as well, and the gravity of the Jellybean's promising career is on her shoulders. In fact, I've heard some agents even become nauseous in anticipation of a client's debut." The Jellybean's mother/agent responded. "I'm a professional and have not been nauseous or anything like that. Sure, I've had some trouble sleeping recently, but I think that's understandable for anyone involved in a career launch like this." On a related note, the Jellybean's father and other co-agent reports to be sleeping fine.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Fans Disappointed as Local Stars Traded to New York

Although expected for some months, this week witnessed the inevitable trade of two local budding talents - brother and sister team Greta and Lincoln Merrill - to an established franchise near New York City. "It's the nature of the business," one local commentator added. "You get really attached to these local celebrities, and then you find them whisked away to a new city. It often leaves a tangible void behind."

Some have inferred the Merrills' departure may somehow be related to the Jellybean's imminent arrival later this year, but industry observers deny it. "Completely unrelated" was the assessment. "D.C. would definitely be big enough for all three of them, but sometimes change is necessary. We hate to see them go, but often talented people are going to be more successful playing on a new team which can really showcase their talents. We wish them the best." Although packed and departing later this week, the Bean Patch feels confident this is hardly the last we've heard of Greta and Lincoln.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Jellybean's Agents Dodge Paparazzi Citing "Weather Problems"

Reports of the Jellybean's attending a wedding in Seattle this past weekend were quickly picked up by the paparazzi, and several east coast airports were swarmed with rabid photographers trying to catch a photo of the young starlet. The strategy was to track the Jellybean's two parents/agents in the hope that where they were, the Jellybean would not be too far behind.

However, it appears her agents are not as verdant as they may appear. In an unexpected move, the Jellybean's father got off his plane bound from Portland, ME to Philadelphia and returned to the site of several "Jellybean Summits" in Maine, while her mother spent several hours in another plane on the runway in Philadelphia trying to give the paparazzi the slip. The result: another failed attempt to catch our young celebrity on film. Though both agents deny any ruse taking place and instead cite "weather problems", industry insiders are unconvinced. "There's a line of photographers at the airport, and then they magically have plane troubles," one insider remarked. "Let's be serious, folks. This is clearly part of a strategy to keep the Jellybean off the front page." At least for now, it appears to have worked.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Bean Patch Updates Look, Stresses Continuity

In a bold redesign of its layout, the Bean Patch introduced a new look to its readers this morning. At a black-tie unveiling party last night, the editor-in-chief beamed with pride. "The Bean Patch is the preeminent source for all things Jellybean, and it's time our publication reflected the modern, fashionable look which people have come to expect from the Jellybean herself." When asked whether there would be other changes, he added, "we will continue to bring our readers the same professionalism that has always been associated with the Bean Patch. We're new and improved, but readers should feel confident we will continue to deliver the same personal touch they've come to expect."

Monday, August 13, 2007

Rumors of Jellybean Debut Date Emerge as Advisors Again Meet

On the heels of a weekend of shopping and another positive career evaluation from her hired team of talent coaches, the Jellybean again headed north to Maine last week for what was nicknamed "Jellybean Summit Two." As one might expect, the substance of the meetings between the Jellybean, her agents and assorted other advisors has been kept closely guarded, but the Bean Patch has learned through credible reports that the group did set November 17th of this year as a tentative date for the star's debut to the public.

"If you think that date's firm, you're fooling yourself," says one industry insider. "Stars like the Jellybean like to keep her public guessing. She wants to give her fans a date to which they can look forward, but, in my experience, young stars rarely keep to that kind of schedule." One fan substantiated those comments. "I don't care when she arrives as long as it's soon. For right now, I'm just circling November 17th on my calendar and hoping for the best."

Monday, August 6, 2007

Again Jellybean Meets Coaches, Begins Shopping

Sometimes a certain amount of mundane repetition can be a good thing. On Friday, the Jellybean again met with her talent coaches, and, once again, they pronounced her career as progressing well. "Regular contact with talent coaches helps ensure a career fully realizes its potential," says the Bean Patch's entertainment correspondent. "I won't say it's never been done, but it certainly is difficult to launch a career successfully without top-flight talent coaches to really guide you through the whole process. The Jellybean has some of the best."

Armed with this new positive evaluation, the Jellybean continued to settle herself down in the DC area. While eyewitness accounts are scarce, credible reports have surfaced that she spent most of the past weekend furniture shopping. From what we have learned, purchases seem to have centered on a bed and other assorted bedroom furniture. "Don't get the wrong idea," one insider warned. "She may be looking for a place to lay her head, but I don't think she'll be having too many restful nights once she makes her debut."

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Jellybean Creates Group, Condemns Drinking Excessively

In papers filed today, the Jellybean's media gurus announced a new organization to promote drinking responsibility and drinking in moderation. In a nod to the more famously named organizations centered around drunk driving, the Jellybean's agents introduced B.A.D.D. - Beans Against Debaucherous Drinking. Reaction was swift. "I think it's a great idea. B.A.D.D.'s goals aren't too lofty. She's not out to save the world, but she shows she cares about something and that brings the public closer to her."

In a surprising display of solidarity, the Jellybean's mother and co-agent announced at the press conference this morning that she would give up drinking altogether for the next year to help promote this new organization. "That was a bit of a surprise," the Bean Patch's reporter on the scene said. "But, I'll tell you this. There's nothing stronger than someone standing up and saying 'this is something in which I believe' and then showing support by doing something." The Jellybean's father and other co-agent made no similar statement.