After a busy weekend entertaining guests at her DC home, Kay Taylor and her mother/co-agent decided to venture out of the city
yesterday to spend an afternoon in Olney, Maryland. Although the Bean Patch had assumed her trip was, in part, to expand her fan base further into the DC suburbs, it would appear from photos of the young star that she spent most of her time relaxing at her grandparents' house in the Olney Mill neighborhood.
Kay Taylor's mother/co-agent played down the trip after briefly stopping to talk to reporters. She described it as "just an opportunity to get out of the house" and nothing more. One industry observer: "Are we really supposed to think a star of Kay Taylor's magnitude is just 'taking it easy' on a Tuesday afternoon? No way. That girl's one smart cookie and I'm sure she's up to something."
Kay Taylor began a series of dialogues with local fans this past week as she began to cement her position as one of DC's newest and brightest celebrities. Last Wednesday, she met with two friends and co-workers of her mother/co-agent from e-learning company Blackboard. Both Laura and Erin declared the young headliner was definitely "Blackboard material." Rumors surfaced shortly after the encounter that perhaps the meeting was actually the start of a long interview process to lure Kay Taylor into the Blackboard family, but the Bean Patch could not confirm any such information.
On Friday, Kay Taylor enjoyed her first introduction to her cousin Dotty. While the young headliner was excited at the chance to meet Dotty, several reports were leaked that she spent much of the afternoon get-together asleep in Dotty's arms. The weekend ended with a final group of visitors, FOKTs Josie and Bob, who not only enjoyed their first meeting and a brief photo op with DC's newest starlet, but also brought two tasty gifts -- a homemade chocolate chip pumpkin bread and some mouth-watering chicken and black bean enchiladas. Although it's unclear whether Kay Taylor herself sampled the culinary delicacies, her press department released a statement pronouncing both delicious and thanking Josie and Bob for their generosity.
Kay Taylor spent the past weekend preparing for the Christmas holiday, while her co-agents continued to hone their skills for successfully developing this young star's career. On Saturday, her father/co-agent spent the morning taking an introductory infant CPR class while Kay Taylor and her mother/co-agent entertained FOKT Kerry Jo back at her DC home.
On Sunday morning, both Kay Taylor and her co-agents met with their Chief Canine Ambassador for the first time. Although the Bean Patch has been unable to obtain pictures of the actual encounter, we have secured the following file photo of Ambassador Hobo, who is called Bo by his friends and associates and lives with Kay Taylor's paternal grandparents. Ambassador Bo remarked that Kay Taylor smelled good and seemed soft and cuddly. He said he looked forward to her being "a bit bigger" so he could introduce her to "other canine diplomats" in the future.
After the positive meeting, Kay Taylor and her parents/co-agents headed out to purchase a Christmas tree for the holidays. Although there was no video of the event, it's reported that Kay Taylor forcefully expressed her desire to return home while in the parking lot of the nursery, and she and her mother/co-agent left before the tree was actually purchased. Her father/co-agent finalized the deal, however, and Kay Taylor pronounced the tree to be a satisfactory purchase in her absence.
Kay Taylor again met with her career coach, Dr. Van Vleck, this morning.
The evaluation was unambiguously positive with Van Vleck saying the young star looked good, was putting on weight nicely and seemed attentive and engaging -- all important components for any young celebrity. "Of course she's attentive and engaging; that's why she's a star!" one fan reacted to the news. "You don't need an advanced degree to know this girl's something special."
After the appointment Kay Taylor and her co-agents returned home where the young headliner spent the late morning planning her next career move. In a photo exclusively released to the Bean Patch, one can see the young star is deep in thought even when she appears to be asleep. One insider: "Ah, if we could only know the inspired thoughts swirling in that young mind."
Although busy working on laying the foundation of her new career, Kay Taylor spent the last few days entertaining her Grandma Snee over at her new DC home.
It is unclear what was discussed during their time together, but many suspect career strategy was brought up during the visit. It has also been reported that, at the conclusion of their meetings, Kay Taylor spent a good portion of the time napping along with her mother and co-agent.
One industry observer: "To have her grandparents so close is definitely an asset. As a career gets off the ground, it can be exhausting and stressful on a star and her agents. What a great luxury to have a trusted partner close by to let our young star take a little nap and give her agents a bit of a break."
Kay Taylor spent her Saturday morning conducting preliminary interviews for a press secretary to handle most of her new publicity.
In an informal interview, she met with FOKT ("Friend of Kay Taylor") Michael who presently handles press duties for Congressman McGovern. Perhaps in an effort to sway the interview, Michael brought a homemade Feijoada from him and FOKT Alicia who presently handles much of the representation for Jack Mershon, another local star.
"I would consider the feijoada a bribe," one critic cynically lamented. Others were more realistic: "Given the success of Jack Mershon's career and the close relationship Kay Taylor's parents have with Michael and Alicia, it's difficult to see another person being considered to handle the press duties."
The Bean Patch did secure two photos of the event. In one photo, it would appear Michael was enjoying cozying up to the new star, and, in another picture, it seems Kay Taylor and her parents were all smiles as the interview concluded.