Friday, July 11, 2008

Summer Season Kicks into High Gear

With the summer season officially beginning, Kay Taylor has been busily visiting new friends and stretching her legs at the playground. Sources tell the Bean Patch that Kay Taylor's social schedule has been booked solid with cocktail, engagement, and lunch parties. On a recent ferry trip to Rockland, photos were released of KayTay with new friend, Whitney N.

Then, after a busy day in Rockland, photos appear to have been taken of the star looking energetic and raring to go; however, minutes later, her stamina gave out and slumber took over. It's been an exhausting few weeks, and Kay Taylor knows she needs to take sleep when she can get it.

A new passion for the young starlet is the playground. She especially enjoys the slide and swings. Currently, both activities require the assistance of her co-agents, but isn't that the job of a good co-agent?


Silly Old Grandma Snee said...

Love the new pictures. Thanks for the update. Miss that little one!

Lici said...

holy cow -- she is sooo LLLOONNNGGG!! she has her mother's height ...

Black Sheep Barb said...

I see the ocean air is good for her--rosey cheeks and wispy hair, plus that grin that just busts me up! She IS long and I am regularly seeing more of her daddy in her! Enjoy your summer.