Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Letter to the Editor

Dear Bean Patch Editorial Department:

This is getting a little ridiculous. I understand you're busy people, but this is just way too long without any information about our favorite star. I understand that often "no news is good news", but we fans need more information! Anything would be helpful.

On behalf of the growing number of Jellybean fans out there, please re-task your tireless team of reporters and let us know what's happening.

With appreciation,
A Frustrated Fan


Michael said...

Hear, Hear! The writer of this letter represents the views of thousands -- perhaps millions -- of Beanatics who demand more frequent updates! Have stroller decisions been made? Paint color for the nursery? End the cover-up!

Rob said...

Seriously, isn't it really bad blog etiquette to post something like this letter, then go dark for 12 days?!? News man, news!