Star "Getting Out" of City, Visits Olney, MD
After a busy weekend entertaining guests at her DC home, Kay Taylor and her mother/co-agent decided to venture out of the city
yesterday to spend an afternoon in Olney, Maryland. Although the Bean Patch had assumed her trip was, in part, to expand her fan base further into the DC suburbs, it would appear from photos of the young star that she spent most of her time relaxing at her grandparents' house in the Olney Mill neighborhood.
Kay Taylor's mother/co-agent played down the trip after briefly stopping to talk to reporters. She described it as "just an opportunity to get out of the house" and nothing more. One industry observer: "Are we really supposed to think a star of Kay Taylor's magnitude is just 'taking it easy' on a Tuesday afternoon? No way. That girl's one smart cookie and I'm sure she's up to something."
Is Kay Taylor going to be one of those famous recluses? Like J.D. Salinger, say, or Emily Dickinson? I was sort of hoping her promising debut meant she'd be the star to make us all forget about Britney and Paris and the rest. Accessible and visible all the time, but for her good deeds. And yet, here I type on Jan. 2, a full two weeks since K.T.'s last World Wide Web appearance.
This kid has NO LIFE. Going to Olney on Dec. 19 is the height of her activities? Too reclusive for my book.
As president of Kay Taylor's Virginia fan club, I am begging for an update. We know the holidays were filled with social obligations and touring, but we are praying that she has not faded into history only to be read about in history books or an Arts and Entertainment answer in Trivial Pursuit?
I hate to be the one to say it, but we all know what it means when a young starlet going incommunicado for an extended period. I fear Kay Taylor is already in rehab. Dudley, please set me straight.
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